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The mystic Elves control and defend the Elven Forests since centuries. They're slim and tall, have long ears and a natural ability of magic. The arrogant and power searching human are very suspicious for them, so they avoid most contacts to them. Old histories told about tall and long-eared humans, who were living on the continent since ancient ages. Elves are naturally able to use magic, they’re at least as old as the dwarven race and they’re the best archers of the world. The elvish skills at the bow are legendary. Most elven seen by human had black-blue shiny armor and were taller than a human, other stories tell something different. In fact, different tribes exist, maybe also with completely different looks. Most elven families are living as nomads travelling through the deep forests.Their culture seems to be a very shy one and connected directly to the nature.



The origin is lost in past but Elves developed as one of the first intelligent races. About 400 o.C. they still were tall and pale skinned creatures with sharp claws but until the 7th century, they had build a civilization. End of the 8th century the First War against dwarven kingdoms cost many lives. After the war, the elves decided to create a natural border and increased the Big River by nature magic. While the Dragon Rush 940 o.C. settlements in Dragonia Vulcania got lost and a short alliance with their former enemy, the dwarves, was created to destroy the dragon nests.Until 1645 o.C. the Elven world isolated itself, but then parts of their army supported the northern kingdoms in their fight against the Black Army. Today, a few trade relations exists.

Elven Tribes

The Elven tribes are uniqe, in culture and partly biology. Most live in the Elven Forests, Fire and Shadow Elves on the eastern continent.


There's no king known. It seems that every tribe in the Elven world is lead by high councils, and there's an higher council which decides over topics dealing for all tribes.



While most elves live in small wooden houses or tents beeing nomads, the few structures they have, are unique in the world of Legonia. For example the giant white stone fortresses of the stone elves or high treehouses of the Shiarasin tribe in the Ahl'Shiara region in the south, but the villages and outposts of the main tribe, the forest elves are a bit more special: Their houses aren't just hidden buildings on trees, they BECOME part of nature. Using high magic, the forest elves creates structures intecrated in the environment. So, many travellers have to look twice before they discover even bigger villages.


elven forest tree house ballista river ship

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