People of Peng Cheng

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Isolated on the Island Peng Cheng old human settlers evolved into an own people which is smaller, has dark hair and slit eyes. Their unique culture can't be find anywhere else.


Peng Cheng is splitted in several territories and city states ruled by shoguns and so, their cultural legacy has a big variety. All together believes in the big something, honor, respect and the family is very important. The white monks own the role of cultural and religious leaders and advisors, though they're mostly isolated from the village citizen in daily life. The main language of Peng Cheng is Peng Yu. All people of Peng Cheng distrust foreign cultures.

People of Peng Cheng
Size 1,50-1,70
Lifespan 40
Behaviour Shy; mistrusting
Language Peng Yu
Religion North Legonian Monotheism
Region Peng Cheng(island)
Specials Slit eyes; dark hair

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