
From Legonia

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not alive, not really
Size different
Lifespan good question
Behaviour undead?
Language what?
Religion can't help anymore
Region Legonia
Specials alive but not alive

By magic, god-willing banishment or other circumstances revelated dead can be met in Legonia mostly in lost dungeons, swamps, cursed places and surely in Deadwood and the forgotten kingdom.


As appearance forms are known ghosts, skelletons, zombies, mummies etc. .

Most of them are running around or serving a master with rudimentary intelligence (evocated), some keep their characters and skills of their former lifetime (banished/cursed). Until now, only one undead army is known, which build outposts and lead whole crusades: The black army.

Special forms

Some undead beings are categorized as special races because they're more complex in background. See also:

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