Peng Yu

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Peng Yu is an unique human scripture and language invented on the island of Peng Cheng.



Spread of Peng Yu

Peng Yu is only known in the isolated culture of Peng Cheng

Official use

Spoken use (partly known)

  • A few merchants from all over the world

Special Dialects

No known yet


Peng Yu based on symbols instead of letters and every symbol alone can mean different expressions but combined also seen as letters. Peng Yu is written from top to buttom and left to right.

The language is very complex and only the white monks of Peng Cheng really knows all possible words and expressions of their speech. The monks are also the guardians of their culture and teach young people to write and read.

Earth Related

(Peng Yu is based on asian languages, if written in english letters, use a Chinese dictionary for word inspiration or just some clichee-sounding words. Font here:[1])

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