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All waters which end to the farest directions of legonias continents are called Endsea. The ocean is mostly unexplored because its coasts end in unsettled areas, frozen waters or at high cliffs. The western continent is split from it by the Ahl'shiara mountains in the south-west and by frozen water in the north. People assume free coasts to Endsea at the eastern border of the Eastern Continent. It's unclear if Endsea consists of several oceans or are one big landscape. Crazy scientists also say, the east and west of Endsea marks the same geographic position in the living's sphere.



Dwarven Bay

A cold bay next to Dwarven Peak. There are some unexplored and frozen islands. Fortunately, dwarves don't do sea travel.

Ent Bay

West of the hain of druids, Ent bay is only known to a few people but mostly to the elemental experiments of the druid circles.

Yeti Bay

Unexplored water aside the Frost Razor Mountains far in the South.

Nathuz Bay

Most southern coast of Terra Gigantes. 6 of 12 months in the year frozen, not much explored.

Blade Bay

Waters along the northern side of Zakralmar's sword in the east of Terra Gigantes. Unexplored.

Zakralmar's Shield

Name for the bay as well for the eastern islands of Terra Gigantes.

Draida Bay

A small bay with low beaches. Often used by pirates for smuggling deals.

Strait of North


Crystal Bay



  • undiscovered