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The typical ordinary human culture exists in Middle Kingdom and naughboured regions like Outlaw Hills, the elven forests or Deadwood. The northlegonians are a mixture of different former barbarian and orlanian tribes united in history long ago in the middle fields. The most intelligent men on the western continent come from their culture.


The Northlegonians are basicly simple-minded farmers and a feudalistic culture. They believe in the big Something , work hard, love women, stories, alcohol and are peaceful. In bigger settlements all kind of subcultures exist, so there are evil criminals, snobistic aristocrates, educated mages, philosophes and nearly everything you can imagine. Famous are the blue mages. as most intelligent men on the western continent.

Size 1,60-2,00
Lifespan 75 (Mages up to 150)
Behaviour peaceful; diplomatic; conservative
Language Modern Legonian; Magic Language
Religion Church of the big and only one; various sects
Region Middle Kingdom; Outlaw Hills; Deadwood; Elven forests
Specials Biggest human people on western continent
Northmen;Amazones; Orlanians

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