Ocean of Juvenile

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Also known as Njanqingshui, the waters east of Peng Cheng belong to the more calm oceans. In its deep cold sea currents of the Cyan Ocean are meeting warm streams of the Ocean of Death, aside the seabed is mostly empty except the northern coast regions.

In former times, the Ocean of Juvenile had an eastern coast to the oriental continent but godly interventions made big parts of the land sunken. Mojache and many small atolls are resting and seperate Njanginqshui from the Nereusian Sea.


Mistsong gulf

Somewhere off the coast of Peng-Cheng and south to the orlanian lands lies the Mistsong Gulf. The waters are covered in rocky spires, and the surface is laced with sea-weed and kelp. A thick fog keeps visibility low, so that only the most skilled of sailors may navigate it's rocky waters. But something else lurks beneath the water. It's the home of the mysterious Merrows.


Formerly, the territory Ner'u-mak of the Old Empire settled big parts of the now sunken coast. Legends say that many insaani were rescued by the god Ner'u who gave them the possibility to live underwater after the 1st apocalypse. This new race, the nereids is assumed to exist in an own underwater kingdom called Ner'u-mak. Other sea creatures like the feared, merrows or naga are sharing the colourful sea world, too. On the Ophidean Isles, Ophidaii are assumed.



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